timestamp1691449200000Happy Birthday AngelinaReedby PolinaHappy Birthday, AngelinaReed. I hope your special day is filled with lots of joy and laughter! May all of your birthday wishes come true.
timestamp1689462000000Happy Birthday AlinaLemanby PolinaHappy Birthday, AlinaLeman. I hope your special day is filled with lots of joy and laughter! May all of your birthday wishes come true.
timestamp1689116400000Happy Birthday LucretiaPhosby PolinaHappy Birthday, LucretiaPhos. I hope your special day is filled with lots of joy and laughter! May all of your birthday wishes come true.
timestamp1685314800000Happy Birthday KarenFerrellby PolinaHappy Birthday, KarenFerrell. I hope your special day is filled with lots of joy and laughter! May all of your birthday wishes come true.
timestamp1682118000000Happy Birthday DanaOlorby PolinaHappy Birthday, DanaOlor. I hope your special day is filled with lots of joy and laughter! May all of your birthday wishes come true.
timestamp1681599600000Happy Birthday JaneConnellyby PolinaHappy Birthday, JaneConnelly. I hope your special day is filled with lots of joy and laughter! May all of your birthday wishes come true.
timestamp1680822000000Happy Birthday AliciaCruiseby PolinaHappy Birthday, AliciaCruise. I hope your special day is filled with lots of joy and laughter! May all of your birthday wishes come true.
timestamp1677628800000Happy Birthday BritneyParkerby PolinaHappy Birthday, BritneyParker. I hope your special day is filled with lots of joy and laughter! May all of your birthday wishes come true.
timestamp1677024000000Happy Birthday GoldyRiveraby PolinaHappy Birthday, GoldyRivera. I hope your special day is filled with lots of joy and laughter! May all of your birthday wishes come true.