timestamp1702558800000AlishaBella Joins Studioby DrDurakA warm welcome to AlishaBella, the latest soulmate to join the studio this month.
timestamp1690801200000ElisWilson Joins Studioby PolinaA warm welcome to ElisWilson, the latest soulmate to join the studio this month.
timestamp1688968800000DianaDevi Joins Studioby PolinaA warm welcome to DianaDevi, the latest soulmate to join the studio this month.
timestamp1684648800000DianaBecker Joins Studioby PolinaA warm welcome to DianaBecker, the latest soulmate to join the studio this month. Diana has previously worked at the studio in 2022 before taking a break for studies.
timestamp1683482400000KariRendel Joins Studioby PolinaA warm welcome to KariRendel, the latest soulmate to join the studio this month.
timestamp1678863600000LisaVasy Joins Studioby PolinaA warm welcome to LisaVasy, the latest soulmate to join the studio this month.